Our Next Mindfulness Meditation Day Retreat is on:
Reflections on Beginnings & Endings
Sunday 4th December, 9.20am for a 9:30am start, finishing at 3.00pm (NSW Time)
As places are limited, please register your attendance by email: info@wellawareness.com.au
A healthy mind is the greatest gain. Contentment is the greatest weatlth. A trustworthy friend is the best of kin. Unconditional freedom is the highest bliss’.. The Buddha
Our life is a continual process of Beginnings and Endings, these are both our joy and our pain. Our life offers us the possibility of gracefully receiving and gently relinquishing all that which is time bound, with a mid – heart of Wisdom and Compassion. Yet there is that domain of Realisation of equanimity being beyond all Beginnings and all Endings, beyond all gain and all loss.
Topics Covered:
- The importance of a Wise view towards life, self and others
- The development and practice of Mindfulness Meditation
- Understanding and using Equanimity
- Reducing stress, fear, anger and grief
- Realising Reality beyond the ego self contraction
This workshop helps you to learn, understand and create clarity and perspective to live mindfully with joy while accommodating life’s realities.
Bring a plate lunch to share.
Parking is available in the Car Park area off Double View Road, Farrants Hill on the left side – entrance between the two Orange Witches Hats on the side of the Road.
(Please note Google Maps likes to send you too far down Double View Road, look for driveway entrance (below).
Address: ‘Ratanagiri’ 11 Double View Road, Farrants Hill NSW 2484

Cost: Dana – your expression of Generosity for the Teachings and Guidance
In keeping with the Buddhist tradition and practice of generosity, teachings are freely given to support the wellbeing of those interested in spiritual practice. In the spirit of generosity those that have received teachings are free to offer financial support for the continuation of such opportunity.
As a guide suggestion of $50 – $100 for teachings and guidance for the Day Retreat. Please bring cash for your Dana contribution for the day and a Donations Box will be provided on registration.