The final of the 4 Sunday Retreats for the Vassa Period 2023.
The Vassa Retreat period from the Full Moon of July until the Full Moon of October 2023. Perhaps you are interested in joining us for this meditative period and especially attending one or all of the Retreat Day sessions.
A Meditation Retreat offers the opportunity for an experience of moving away from the business and behaviours of worldly life that keep us caught and confused. A Meditation Retreat also offers us the chance to move away from the thoughts and mental states that are a source of stress and limitation. In this way a Meditation Retreat becomes a movement towards Mindfulness, Calm and Clarity; enabling Insightful Understanding and the growth of Wisdom.
The theme this year is Samma Samadhi (Right Meditation)’ which is the eighth factor on the Buddhas Eight-Fold Path of Practice.
The Vassa Meditation Retreat Sessions for 2023
Retreat Day 1. Sunday 30th July 2023 9.30am – 3.00pm
Retreat Day 2. Sunday 27th August 2023 9.30am – 3.00pm
Retreat Day 3. Sunday 24th September 2023 9.30am – 3.00pm
Retreat Day 4. Sunday 29th October 2023 9.30am – 3.00pm
Registration: Please Register for any of the dates above by email: info@wellawareness.com.au
Please let us know ASAP as places are limited.