NSW  Kingscliff  0400 022 048 Show Map

NSW   Farrants Hill 0400 022 048 Show Map

Email info@wellawareness.com.au

Health Concern Counselling

Issues pertaining to our health, while dealt with in isolation through the mainstream medical approach, do affect the whole of the person, mentally, physically, emotionally. Health issues can also impact on all areas of our life; personal, family life, professional and social life. Because of this it can be most beneficial to seek out professional help through counselling, to develop clarity, perspective, and skills in working with such issues and concerns.

With the understandings and appreciations of a MIND-BODY approach to health and healing, there is much that can be done to engage the mind and body’s inner potential for balance, harmony, and healing. This is especially enabled through developing healthy perspectives in ‘re-perspecting’ the situation; encouraging more helpful states of mind; engaging healthful emotions and the subsequent ‘bio-chemicals’ of them, and thus allowing the mind-body a greater chance to heal and find health.

Beyond this there is also much that we may learn about ourselves, our life, and what is really important, if we wish to consciously work with, and through health related issues and illness in our life.

‘Health Care Counselling’ at WELL-AWARE-NESS can be a most helpful adjunct to complement other, or main stream medical intervention for people working with or living with illness. It can also be helpful in providing support, understanding, and guidance for partners, family members, and carers of those experiencing illness.

‘Health Care Counselling’ may include such areas as:

  • Developing a conscious commitment to health and healing
  • Looking into the relationship we have to health issues
  • Developing helpful and healthful attitudes, perspectives and practices
  • Mindfulness based Meditations for health and healing
  • Conserving and preserving energy to engage healing
  • Understanding and working with our emotions
  • Understanding underlying issues that may be exacerbating health issues
  • Communication issues, between partner, family members, friends, colleagues
  • Being a ‘pro-active patient’ in communicating with health professionals
  • Living and learning through illness, making it meaningful
  • Working with mental / emotional health issues, anxiety and depression
  • Living with chronic illness
  • Healing through terminal illness, facing our fears of dying and death
  • Being caring and careful in supporting someone through health issues


Contact WELL-AWARE-NESS to arrange a consultation